The Brief

Julie is an actor, singer and cabaret performer based in London. She mainly performs one-woman shows that tell a story, normally about songwriters e.g. Rodgers & Hart, or 20th century female songwriters.

Julie didn’t have an existing website and she felt it was now an important step to build her online presence and to have somewhere to direct people to for more information about her shows and to find out more about your work. She was looking for a stylish, contemporary, creative website that reflected her and her work, that was clear and easy to use.

She needed to be able to update and maintain the site herself with new work and upcoming shows as needed.

The Solution

We design a gorgeous website for Julie that balanced both her acting and cabaret styles into one easy to navigate, stylish design. A custom built design, utilising WordPress as the CMS so that Julie is able to add, edit and manage all the content easily herself. The site includes a portfolio of her work, a gallery with filters for different types of performance, a calendar and events listing to promote upcoming shows and a clear way to contact her and her agent.