It seems that as 2018 fast approaches, SEO is still one of the biggest forms of marketing your business online. But what is changing in the world of SEO and what are the most important strategies that you need to focus on during the next 12 months for your business?
Create quality content
Content is king when it comes to SEO, so nothing has changed there! Whilst it used to be the case that you needed to have content that was absolutely jam packed with keywords, this isn’t necessarily the case anymore. In fact, now you need to really think about the quality too. Make sure that you research any topics that you are going to write about and also write content that is going to be useful for the person reading it too. And there are also suggestions that longer quality content may rank my favourably so is this the end of the short blog?
Stream it!
During 2017, video marketing really took off and this is a theme that looks set to continue during 2018. Video content is popular, not only because it is a great way to get a message across, but it is also easy for your target audience too. In fact, so popular is video that YouTube, is the second largest search engine in the world!
You can make a video about a variety of things, your products, your service, your team even where you are based. The trick is just to share snippets of your business and make sure that your customers feel that they are getting a rather exciting insight. Once you have created your video, make sure that you get it on the right platform such as Facebook or even LinkedIn is now letting you upload videos from your phone.
Be ready for voice searching
Gadgets such as the Google Home and Alexa have really changed the way people search for things at home. Not only this, but as voice searching has been added to mobile phones too, this means that it is definitely on the rise.
This means that you need to think about how a voice search could differ from a text search, as well as adding a FAQ page to your website that could include some of the common questions that people may ask which relate to your business.
Mobile first
It has been made no secret that Google are taking their search algorithms to a mobile place. This means that you need to ensure that your webpages are going to be mobile optimised. This isn’t a small job, but this is definitely one that is worthwhile making the effort to do if you want to improve your SEO for 2018. If you’re not mobile optimised and need to be, then ask Bridget Designs to help!
2018 looks like it will be another great year for SEO. So why not see if you can find the best ways to improve your SEO efforts and get yourself higher and higher up the rankings by the end of the year?
Helen Cox owns Helen Cox Marketing, a Social Media and Marketing Consultancy based in Kent. Take a look at her website or sign up to her mailing list.